HomeHealth & WellnessMagnesium Deficiency Promotes Age-Related Illness

Magnesium Deficiency Promotes Age-Related Illness


Most Americans have magnesium levels far beneath optimum – to the factor that many natural fitness specialists are classifying magnesium deficiency in the USA as an “epidemic.” And, while shortages of this important mineral can damage health, the opposite – having ample levels of magnesium – pays major life-extending dividends.

For instance, higher levels of magnesium consumption are associated with dramatically decreased rates of high blood pressure and heart disorderas well as fewer strokes, decrease rates of kidney disorder, better blood sugar control, healthier bones and teeth, and less danger of cognitive decline – all elements that could prevent degenerative diseases and lengthen the quality of your life.

Magnesium is excellent within the human body

This important mineral is essential for 300 distinct enzymes to function correctly, and helps to regulate the drift of mineral ions in and out of cells in the skeleton, heart muscle, brain and nerve cells.

Simply put, there’s no system in the body to which magnesium isn’t essential. Amongst many other features, it converts food to energy, enables to control blood sugar, performs a huge role in the health of blood vessels, and helps regulate heart and brain function.

Modern living has left us strapped for magnesium

In the past, the majority of people drank spring water – which provided an abundance of naturallyoccurring magnesium – both in the environment and in our bodies. However, nowadays, the vast majority of the Western world is consuming bottled water and/or city water that leaves us disconnected from this natural, healthy way of getting sufficient magnesium.

To make matters worse, many modern pharmaceutical drugs rob the body’s stores of magnesium – specifically the proton-pump inhibitors used to relieve heartburn. Other elements that could lessen magnesium levels are having irritable bowel syndrome, taking diuretics, perspiring heavily, and ingesting excessive quantities of coffee, soda and alcohol. Finally, magnesium levels drop with age.

Low magnesium levels jeopardize the health of older adults

People over the age of 70 are specifically in danger for low magnesium, with 8 out of 10 men and 7 out of 10 women failing to consume sufficient magnesium in their every day diets. As endorsed by The Linus Pauling Institute, the RDA for magnesium is 400 to 420 mg a day for men and 310 to 320 mg a day for women.

This endemic loss of magnesium is reflected by grim information – the truth is, people 65 and older who’ve low blood levels of magnesium also have higher death rates. And, in a study of hospitalized, severely sick patients, 55 percent with low magnesium levels on admission ultimately died, while mortality rate for those with regular levels was 35 percent.

Fortunately, it is never too late to enhance your fitness – and your odds of a longer lifethrough increasing your magnesium intake.

Magnesium prevents arrhythmias, enhances cardiovascular health and lowers stroke risk

Magnesium enables to prevent arrhythmias, or irregular heartbeat, while protecting blood vessels towards accumulations of calcium, thereby reducing the chance of atherosclerosis – a clear predictor of heart disorder, stroke and premature death. Including to its hearthealthy attributes is the capability of magnesium to significantly lower blood pressure.

Just as healthy levels of magnesium can protect the heart, deficiencies can harm it.

In a 2015 study published in Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular diseases, individuals with lower serum levels of magnesium were more than twice as probably to have coronary arterial calcification. Low magnesium levels also cause a 50 percent greater threat of atrial fibrillation – a sort of irregular heartbeat that could lead to a stroke.

A natural manner to avoid harm from diabetes

Aging has a tendency to increase the danger of insulin resistance, which could result in higher blood sugar levels. As even borderline high blood sugar causes damage to proteins throughout the body, regulating blood sugar is vital to preventing age-associated illnesses.

Magnesium supplementation does this by enhancing the body’s response to insulin. A recent assessment of 21 clinical trials published in Pharmacological research confirmed that magnesium supplementation caused tremendous improvements in insulin resistance, in some instances lowering blood sugar an average of 13 mg/dL when as compared to placebo. Both diabetic and non-diabetic individuals benefited from supplementation, demonstrating magnesium’s capability to prevent, as well as treat, diabetes.

Magnesium helps the health of our bones and teeth

Magnesium is an essential structural constituent of bones, and half of the body’s stores of magnesium reside there. Not surprisingly, low levels of magnesium can result in osteoporosis, with low magnesium levels also promoting inflammatory cytokines that break down bones – another reason why it is wise for older people to supplement with magnesium.

Magnesium supplements also aid tooth attachment and help people to hold teeth.

Magnesium is an excellent way to target inflammatory chemicals

Magnesium’s capacity to shut down cytokines and other pro-inflammatory signaling molecules makes it a useful ally towards the chronic infection that contributes to degenerative illnesses. Poor magnesium status is linked with a wide array of chronic conditions, including diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disorder, and Alzheimer’s diseaseto name just a few.

So, what are the excellent approaches to add magnesium into the diet?

Magnesium-rich foods include whole grains, green leafy veggies, and fruits. Tofu, wheat bran, and tree nuts such as cashews, almonds and walnuts can also increase magnesium stores – and don’t forget the frequentlyignored pumpkin and squash seeds. A surprising quantity of tasty cooking spices are rich in magnesium as well, including dill, celery seed, basil, coriander, sage, tarragon and marjoram.

If you prefer to take supplemental magnesium, specialists propose using a twopart formulation composed of magnesium citrate in a quickrelease form and magnesium oxide in an extendedrelease form. This truly offers you the “best of both worlds” in accomplishing constant levels.

Since calcium competes with magnesium for absorption, magnesium supplementation can cause calcium deficiency if levels are already low. As always, discuss supplementation with a trusted medical expert – who can assist create a plan that’s proper for you.






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