HomeHealth & WellnessManaging Your Diabetes

Managing Your Diabetes


There are a lot of misconceptions about diabetes out there, and it can be easy for someone living with type 1 diabetes to assume that they know the condition inside out. In some cases, the popular conception is not far from the truth, as many people with diabetes can manage their blood sugar levels using insulin injections and careful diet choices. Diabetes doesn’t have to be difficult to manage though, as long as you understand what you need to do to stay on top of your condition.

If your level of knowledge on managing diabetes is pretty low then this article will help fill in some blanks on diabetes management.

Diabetes is a chronic illness that occurs when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Diabetes affects how well your cells can get glucose from food. Glucose [sugar] is the main source of energy for all activities in your body.

Diabetes can cause life-threatening health problems such as heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, and lower-limb amputations. Treatment involves medication and diet changes. Diabetes does not have a cure yet but it can be managed effectively to prevent complications and reduce the risks of getting Diabetes-related diseases.

Diabetes affects the body in different ways depending on whether it is type 1 or 2 diabetes. In Type 1 Diabetes, which usually occurs during childhood, the pancreas produces little or no insulin by itself. Type 2 Diabetes is a condition where blood glucose levels are above normal but not high enough to be classified as Diabetes [hyperglycemia], and this often develops from being overweight. As for gestational Diabetes [occurs during pregnancy], only some women get it and there’s no known cause yet. Treatment of Diabetes will depend on what kind you have.

In either case, your doctor will provide an individualized management plan that takes into consideration factors such as age, other medical conditions, complications associated with diabetes, family history, lifestyle, and environment.

If you are diabetic, you’re probably already aware of how important it is to manage your condition. Diabetes is a long-term condition that requires constant care and attention for the patient to lead a healthy life free from complications. Diabetes, if left uncontrolled, can lead to blindness, renal failure, heart disease, stroke, infections that may be deadly, nerve disorders, etc. So, what are some ways how to manage diabetes properly?


Exercise Regularly

Make sure exercise is part of your everyday routine! Being physically active helps control blood sugar levels by increasing the body’s sensitivity to insulin. It also helps lower blood pressure and harmful cholesterol levels while increasing good cholesterol levels.

Studies have shown that people who perform regular physical activity or exercise live longer than those who are physically inactive. Diabetes management experts recommend 30 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity on most days of the week, or about 150 minutes a week.

Lose Weight

Obesity is one of the risk factors for type 2 diabetes. Diabetes makes it harder for your body to fight infections and some illnesses because it impairs immune system function. Diabetes is also associated with an increased risk for heart disease, which may make you more vulnerable to viruses that can attack your heart or blood vessels.

So, try losing excess pounds by eating less and exercising more as this will greatly reduce your chances of developing complications related to diabetes. Reduce carbohydrate intake, eat more fruits and vegetables, and increase fiber intake by opting for whole grains instead of refined grains. Try to reduce stress levels too since stress can make your body produce cortisol, which will, in turn, trigger the storage of belly fat.

Eat Healthily

Diabetes management experts recommended eating healthy meals at regular times during the day to help stabilize blood sugar levels. Eating small, frequent meals that are low in calories and fat will ensure that you maintain a healthy weight. Diabetes patients tend to lose their appetite when taking oral medications so it is important for them not to skip meals.

When stressed, people often find themselves subconsciously reaching out for food, especially high carbohydrate foods like candies, pastries, etc., which only worsen hyperglycemia or Diabetes. You can try practicing meditation or yoga by yourself or hire a Yoga instructor near you to help relieve stress better.

Monitor Insulin Intake if Needed

Diabetes management may require treatment with insulin injections if your pancreas cannot produce enough insulin for your body’s needs. Diabetes experts recommend checking blood sugar levels before every meal and whenever you feel your Diabetes symptoms are becoming worse.

Go for Regular Medical Checkups

Diabetes management experts recommend that people with diabetes have their blood sugar levels regularly checked at least twice a year by a doctor or nurse to check for signs of complications as well as to keep track of how well their blood sugar is being managed so they can make appropriate changes if needed.

Routine tests should also include other risk factors associated with cardiovascular diseases such as checking cholesterol and other lipid levels, waist circumference measurements, and blood pressure checks. Diabetes management experts note that the earlier you catch potential health problems, the easier it would be to treat them effectively before they worsen over time.

Participate in Diabetes Management Programs

At Diabetes management centers, Diabetes patients are educated on how to properly manage their Diabetes by knowing what Diabetes foods to eat and not to eat. They are taught about Diabetes medications and ways how to inject insulin properly.

Participating in Diabetes management programs regularly can help teach you healthy lifestyles that will help keep your Diabetes under control so you won’t have to constantly worry about getting sick with Diabetes complications every day.

In conclusion, Diabetes management requires you to make lifestyle changes by maintaining a healthy weight, eating right, reducing stress levels, getting enough sleep, and engaging in diabetes management programs regularly. Diabetes patients should also monitor their diabetes by measuring blood sugar levels regularly and getting checked for diabetes complications every once in a while. All these steps will help diabetes patients live healthier lives with diabetes.

Remember, Diabetes is manageable if you know how to properly take care of yourself! Don’t let Diabetes get the best of you – get involved in Diabetes management today!


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